Beiträge von Loic25
Pink, green, violet, blue, yellow, depends on the mood
Yes, I know that it looks like it's from the inside. However, most of the scratches have gone with a bit of polishing. I ignore why but this is what I get.
Hi, I've had the same issue. I could attenuate the scratches with Meguiar's Plast'X and a kit of drilling machine polishing pads. Cheap and easy fix before it's too late. Here are some before / after photos.
Great job, I wish I could have documented this as good as you did! I would advise to use a donor door card from ebay, they have 3 led modules. That's what I did.
Salut Ready2Go ! J'ai utilisé une carte de porte de donneur f56 pour le module LED et l'ai câblée au plancher, comme certains utilisateurs ici l'ont fait pour la garniture de tableau de bord Union Jack.
Here are the part numbers I used.
The full door card was cheaper on ebay, and I was already having the R56 B pillar because I wanted to add to my previous R56 without light package. I also used a footwell light as a derivative because I didn't want to mess with the original wiring.
Took me approximately 12 hours. Soldering, drilling, gluing, drying and installing.
Ici is a link to another forum where you might find useful answers to your questions. ?
Unfortunately I have only done a few pictures of the process, but ask me anything if you want to do the same and need some help.
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