Eine weitere Erfahrung aus dem .com Forum. Nachdem der Motor ausgetauscht worden ist, stottert der Motor zwischen ca. 88 und 112 Km/h.
Laut des posts hätten alle Kunden seines Händlers das Problem. Händler sagte ihm das wäre normal und auch neue F56 hätten diesen "Effekt".
Der Austauschmotor sei die Version November 2015 - M11.00.2.409.961 (Gehe hier davon aus, dass es ein UK User ist, da er behaviour in BE English geschrieben hat).
"Well..been driving it for a few days now and we started to notice when the engine is cold it has a stutter at approx 55 - 70 mph. After about 10 minutes or so it disappears. The dealer told me the other people he replaced the engine for also reported this. The dealer says this is normal behaviour and new F56 have the same and I shouldn't worry. It is going back to the dealer today for testing to confirm I don't have some other problem. But really guys this can't be right, can it ? How can a stutter be accepted behaviour of new F56s? When I am overtaking and it stutters I do not feel safe. Can new F56 owners please chip in here and let me know if they are experiencing a stutter at speed when the engine is cold ?"