20150726 testmiles.com Nik Miles

  • review gnat interessant unser Kleiner bei den Most Iconic Cars in der besten drei Liste

    "In a recent lecture at Yale, sociology professor Dr. Alexander listed that three most iconic cars of all times."

    "Mini owners are proud to show passion, bravado and a anglophile love of modern iconography. Mini ownership is not only about passion, J.D. Powers and Associates just published their appeal awards and Mini hit it out of the park with car buyers. As a brand they had the largest increase, and owners are asking for more."

    "Each of the Beatles drove a Mini, Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon drives a Mini"

    "So Mini took their best performer and made it into a little supercar...."
    "..Not a race car you say…WRONG… Mini have won Montecarlo 4 times, they are currently in 8 race series and are becoming more serious about the track every year. But the greatest story about Minicomes from the 1960s. Then Formula one team member John Cooper took his Mini to Monza and let the head Ferrari mechanic drive it. When he pulled into the pits after his test drive he announced “This is the race car of the future”..."


    Ein Review mal anders

    MINI ist für viele mehr als ein 0815 Auto ein besonderes, wahres Kultauto und mit PS hat das nichts zu tun auch nicht wie teuer der MINI ist