Carbon folierung

  • I want carbon-fibre look on my hoodscoop and rearview mirrors. I got the price for the original JCW Pro carbon ones, and the price is a joke!
    Like 350E for each mirror, and the same for the scoop.
    Do you think it can be made look good with folierung? I have seen mirrors look good wrapped with carbon-folie. But maybe the hood air inlet is to complex shape? What do you think?

  • Nicht nur das. Aufgrund der Struktur bei Carbonfolien wirst Du das notwendige Ziehen der Folie noch stärker sehen.

    Unser Folierer hat sogar davon abgeraten, da er es schonmal gemacht hat und es Farbveränderungen gab, denn die Folie wird in der Mitte dünner.

    Alternative für die Spiegel ist Wassertransferdruck.

  • I would really like to help you, but I am not an expert in this case.

    My opinion is:

    A carbon wrapping could look like wrapping and not real carbon. So you should check the different carbon wrappings before, if you like them and how they look on finished products.

    The price is ridiculous. Try to find a better offer...

    For complex and rather small items the water transfer printing could be a good solution.

    Look at this YouTube movie:

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